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We recommend double lights on newer Fords and Tesla Model YsContact Us with questions.

Do you have a newer model Ford vehicle, Tesla Model Y or other vehicle and your Kody light is not functioning correctly?   This signal relay box separates your vehicles signals from the light allowing it to function correctly.   


This relay box requires 12V power from your vehicles electrical system.  Run the red wire provided to a 12V source then plug the four pin connectors in line with your vehicle and light.  


The 7 Pin option allows us to pull 12 volt power from your vehicles trailer connection.   For most vehicles there's existing power coming through the 7 pin connector.  We power the relay using one of the pins, preferably the 12v pin, and need to confirm continuous power from your vehicle. Use this tester (Amazon Link to Tester) or similar to verify you have power available.


The four pin option needs the red power wire run to a 12v power source or battery.


For some Tesla Model Ys we wire the connection to pull power from the tail lights which requires the head lights to be turn on for the bike rack light to work.   Testing your vehicle is hte best method to determine where to get the power.  


Please Contact Us us with any questions

Signal Relay Box

PriceFrom $20.00